Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 2009

March 27

7:12 PM from web
You can get the Hannah Montana: The Movie Soundtrack now on Amazon Mp3!!

March 28

11:29 AM from web
Hey all, im stuck in LA traffic ahhhh! Can't wait to chat with ya'll in a few minutes! hang tight :)

6:17 PM from TwitterBerry
I am about to head off to kca! Omgoshhhh I can't believe I got suckered into Twitter! I'm digging it!

6:19 PM from TwitterBerry
I'm at kca! I'm so stoked to be nominated! Honestly I have a weird feeling about it :\ but whatever I'm so blessed to be here

8:44 PM from TwitterBerry
one word - omg!!!

8:45 PM from TwitterBerry
I will tweet or twit whatever it is as soon as I catch my breath!!! I'm freaking out thankkk you :) I have the best fans in the world!

10:58 PM from web
i came up with a new tweet - thats "tweet-alicious" i am the ultimate twitter-er. please tweet my twitter ( say that 3 times fast)

11:08 PM from web
new tweet- your such a "tweetie" like a sweetie but not. i love to twitter! i love to twitter!i love to twitter!i love to twitter!

11:08 PM from web
tweet tweet tweet i just twittered! yayyy =] i love tweeting!

March 29

12:19 AM from web
its saying im not allowed to change my background cause my screen name is "taken" but im like hello i know that! its my tweet. HELP ME!

2:17 PM from TwitterBerry
About to make a miley and mandy show!!! Yayy! :)

3:21 PM from TwitterBerry
Riding my bike with Justin!!! Yipee!

4:15 PM from web

4:29 PM from web
The new HM soundtrack came out March 24th yayyy! Go pick up a copy! =]]] PS ONCE AGAIN THANNNKKK U FOR MY KCA i cant quit thinkin bout it!

8:30 PM from web
WOW OceanUp."REPORTING" Justin and I "went to a hotel together", LAME! i had a press conference at the 4 seasons. PROMOTING THE HM MOVIE.

8:32 PM from web
...Justin joined me at the press conference because it was a 12 hour day and hanging with reporters and managers allll day gets boring.

8:33 PM from web

11:24 PM from TwitterBerry
I have a massive head-ache. Noooo fun! :(

11:25 PM from TwitterBerry
I've got an earlllyyy call time tomorrow and I can't sleep :( I think I might be getting sick! Pray for me :)

11:38 PM from TwitterBerry
For all the haters saying I knew about my KCA before hand have nooo idea what they are talking about! I was so suprised! :) thank u again xo

11:45 PM from TwitterBerry
Doot da doo lifes good!!!

March 30

12:12 AM from TwitterBerry
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle Love you manderzzz

9:03 AM from TwitterBerry
Up and at em, bright and early!!! Off to do press for HM movie coming out 4\10!!! I can't believe its so soon!

9:52 AM from TwitterBerry
The worst part about sitting in traffic is when your 5 away it takes you 20 min 2 get there & u start thinkin to much & 2nd guessing your <3 style="font-style: italic;">9:54 AM from TwitterBerry
This morning = blah! 1. No shampoo left 2. Didn't hug my mom goodbye and 3. Miscommunication

10:04 AM from TwitterBerry
I almost broke my leg falling over a bag of couture! I am an idiot! Haha

10:10 AM from TwitterBerry
About to do hair and make up :) I'm a little to antsy to sit still right now

10:37 AM from TwitterBerry
Mitchel musso got a twitter! I am sooo excited! :) yay now were twins! I made that up twitter/friends

10:56 AM from web
about to my interviews! I'll TWEET you as soon as I can! love ya! xoxo

11:07 AM from TwitterBerry
If anyone wants know what <3 style="font-style: italic;">11:51 AM from TwitterBerry
I'm doing an interview

12:33 PM from TwitterBerry
With "liam" doing an interview ahhh

1:36 PM from TwitterBerry
Pati Debraff :( please never leave me!!! Your the best make up artist ever! Why must you go to NY!?!

1:41 PM from TwitterBerry
Okay pati I love you but I can't spell! I've known you for years and I've been spelling it wrong the whole time "dubroff" I love you! Sorry

1:43 PM from TwitterBerry
About to do a press conference with emily, jason, and lucas!!! FUN! Whoo hoo :)

2:49 PM from TwitterBerry
Having lunch with Peter Chelsom, jason, ems, mammie, and justy! Ohhh and sofie!

5:55 PM from TwitterBerry
About to do magazine/ newspaper interviews! I've been talking about myself for twelve hours straight! I'm tired of myself!!! Blah!

6:31 PM from TwitterBerry
2 more interviews :) whoo hoo! I think I'm getting sick... My thoat hurts maybe cause I haven't shut up allll day!!!

6:41 PM from TwitterBerry
Wow! Everything is taken out of context! I dislike gossip sites sooo much! Do not be a freak and go to hollywood! LIVE YOUR DREAMS!!!

6:41 PM from TwitterBerry
When I said go to freak and be a hollywood I was jokingggg!

6:51 PM from TwitterBerry
I meant don't be a freak and go to hollywood I said it backwards! I'm tweeting to fast and my brain is fried from all the interviews! SOS!

7:44 PM from TwitterBerry
Done with my day! Off to relaxx at home

7:52 PM from TwitterBerry
Question of the day : Why do people crossing the street walk so slow???

7:52 PM from TwitterBerry
Question of the day : Why do people crossing the street walk so slow??? And why does it seem "short cuts" take forrrevverr

8:13 PM from web
reading john mayer tweets. what a cool character.

8:26 PM from TwitterBerry
Having dinner wiff Justin ;) where shall we go? Sushi sounds divine!

8:36 PM from TwitterBerry
I miss you demi! Love ya

8:50 PM from TwitterBerry
Justy said no sushi, but this chicken noodle soup is delish!!! :) good choice

8:56 PM from TwitterBerry
The person sitting by me seriouussllyy just ate 6 burgers! Wow

8:59 PM from TwitterBerry
Is it "smart alec" or "smart ellik" or neither! I'm bettin on this one!

9:35 PM from TwitterBerry
Listening to love songs :]

March 31

9:16 AM from TwitterBerry
Just woke up and about to get ready to go do another day of press!!! Songs of the day: blessed be his name.

10:21 AM from TwitterBerry
Just had a good laugh :) those are the best to wake up to! I'm on my way to the hotel to do more press... Gosh my hair is frizzy!

11:40 AM from TwitterBerry
I'm now twittering taylor! Yay

3:08 PM from TwitterBerry
Just had lunch about to go back and do morrrre interviews, 2 press conf, and then moooree interviews

6:52 PM from TwitterBerry
Stilllll doing interviews :(

8:09 PM from TwitterBerry
Family home!!! Yayy :)

9:22 PM from TwitterBerry
Listening to the beatles with justin!

9:23 PM from TwitterBerry
"Let it be" I'm tired of all the commentary P.s. I have the best fans in the world! Yall keep me going! I loooove you so much

10:04 PM from TwitterBerry
Eating sushi! Omgosh california rolls are from heaven!!! Praise GOD!

10:04 PM from TwitterBerry
Just jared jr is my new favorite gossip site!!! jared is soooo sweet!!!

10:27 PM from TwitterBerry
My waiter at koi looks like dude from hgtv! Is it weird if I ask for an autograph?

10:44 PM from TwitterBerry
Justy just got a twitter yayy!!!! Someone has justin gaston so that is a fakkkeee!

10:46 PM from TwitterBerry
Pino stop stalking me! And yessss were listening to the beatles! Haha

11:01 PM from TwitterBerry
I am not fake. P.s. I'm boycotting gossip sites :) I love my fans xoxo

11:02 PM from TwitterBerry
Omgosh Justin just asked me what's the big deal with hello kitty "its just a cat in a dress" GASP boys are sooo dumb!

11:47 PM from TwitterBerry
Now thy lay me down to sleep, I give my LORD my soul to keep. If I shall die before I wake I give my LORD my soul to take! Amen.